Welcome to the Camelot Estates Homeowner's Website!
Camelot Estates is a residential subdivision located in Avon, OH with 195 homes. Our community is a fun, family neighborhood. We are located approximately 20 miles west of downtown Cleveland.
Camelot HOA resident meeting - 08/27/2023 (Homeowner resident meeting to be held on 8/27/2023 at the Avon High School small auditorium at 5:00.)
Homeowners' Board
The board and membership of the Camelot Estates Homeowners Association welcome you to our online information center. We invite you to explore our site and learn more about the place we call home. This web site is in place to enhance communication within our community and to serve as a local reference and meeting place for our neighbors.
Find out more about the board > -
Camelot Pool
The Camelot community swimming pool is available to all Camelot residents and their guests. The pool offers a main swimming pool and children's wading pool with fountains. There are restrooms available within the fenced in pool area.
Find out more about pool rules > -
What you need to know
The Homeowners' Association Fee of $425 should be paid by May 30th.
You can submit payment to:Camelot Estates HOAPO Box 6Avon, OH 44011
Fees - If you fail to pay your homeowners' fee, you will be notified by the homeowners' association to pay the fee. If you still fail to pay your fee, you will be notified by the attorneys in which the attorney fees will be added to the original homeowner fee. If you have a delinquent balance that hits $1000 or more, a lien will be put on your home, and the cost for the lein will be paid by the homeowner.